Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stay Awake!

So - I am jumping feet first into the world of blogging!  Well - toes in, testing the water ... we'll see how it goes anyway.  :)  As a mom, daycare operator, domestic goddess, and many other things there is not a lot of time left for blogging ... but I'm going to try!  I found a project to get me started - a photo challenge to be specific.  As an aspiring family photographer (if only for my own family) I have decided to use this as a tool to remember to capture all of the little moments we usually let slip by!  And so I introduce my version of ...

Project 52: Stay Awake!

Each Monday, I'll get a weekly prompt from my motivators over at Awesomely Awake that will help spark my photo journey.  You can look forward to a weekly post following their reminders about the little things that really make life worth living.  So stay tuned for the year ahead and see what keeps our family going - at work, home, and in life in general.

My Personal Take

I am going to use this blog and photo-journal as a tool to keep myself personally reponsible for becoming the person I want to be!  If you are following this, you probably know me well enough to realize that I don't live up to my expectations of myself.  As a woman, a wife, or a mom.  Well - I've decided that this is a way for me to remind myself of the things I am doing right, the things I need to change, and the personal progress I am making!  Hopefully at the end of this year, I can look back and see the difference this accountability has made for me.

Well - here we go!  Monday morning my journey starts.  I hope we enjoy it together!